Michael Herbert recalls the Hampshire ACF Cup of 1949

Hello Michael,

Browsing through the reminiscences I recall, probably 1949, in my final year at Price's when I played in the First XI Football Team. At that time the school ACF was chosen to provide a football team in the Hampshire ACF Cup competition. With the exception of myself and 'Titch Stone the whole First XI were in the ACF, we were in the Scout Troop. Tom Hilton went into 'conference' with Tim Foster, First XI manager, and 'The Wick' aka The Rev. Royds-Jones, Scoutmaster.

The result was that Titch and I were 'conscripted' , issued with the necessary uniform and so the whole of the First XI were now able to take place in the cup competition.

We went on to win the cup and I still have my one and only cup winners medal.

Any chance that there is a photo of that team in the archives?


Michael Herbert, now living in Cambridge.

Duncan Pepper revives some memories...

School in 1953

I am enclosing a couple of ancient photos in jpeg format.

After the 880 yards handicap held on the 15th May 1959 when Ron ''Vicious'' Vinall completed the race in army boots and a tin hat.Your scribe is second from left in the front row.

Taken at the leavers dance in July 1960. Little did we know what that decade was to herald. We seem to have been enamoured of top hats as both Barry Shurlock and Jim Brammer have them. Maybe this was a prelude to beyond the fringe and mocking authority.

Seriously, let me have your news as I am now early retired and planning to make a grand tour of the S of England and meet up with as many of the old lags as possible. I am currently resident in Edinburgh these last 30 years, but am a regular visitor to all points of the compass.

Best Wishes,

Duncan S Pepper